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Evolution: Palaeontology |
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Basic Ideas: Origin of tetrapods |
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ContentsThis chapter deals with fossil findings within the evolutionary transition ranging from fish to tetrapods. Though new findings reduce the gap between fish and tetrapods, the appropriate transition forms are still missing.
![]() A famous transition |
One of the best-known examples for supposed evolutionary transitions is the step from water to land. From the evolutionary point of view this step must have occurred several times, to plants, to invertebrates (such as arthropods) and to vertebrates (animals with an endoskeleton and a spine). The latter group is the one of interest. To simplify matters, this step is known as the transition from fish to amphibian. During this transition serious changes must have occurred: Main concerns are the ability to bear the body (moving forward on firm ground is completely different to moving in water, affecting spine and extremities), the method of locomotion (new function of extremities: moving forward instead of steering), the development of a neck to improve the head’s mobility (having consequences for the pectoral girdle, the linkage of head and spine and the muscular system), a more solid head (in contrast, flexible connections of the parts of the skull are essential for gill breathing), ingestion, respiration, water supply, sensory organs (e.g. sound transmission, eyes: different refractive index) and reproduction. According to evolutionary theory such a process can only happen step by step. Thus, the question arises whether it is possible for those substantial changes to take place in small steps at all, while the former functions are being maintained. The terrestrial vertebrates are called tetrapods with their characteristic feature being expressed in their name: They are vertebrates having replaced their former fins by four legs. In addition the legs show a characteristic skeleton structure (fig. 2). As a result of their skeleton structure the lobe-finned fish are the most eligible ancestors of tetrapods. Lobe-finned fish are fish with strong fleshy fins with a skeleton structure similar to that of tetrapods (fig. 16). Though fringe-finned fish or crossopterygians as the famous Latimeria belong to this class, Latimeria is to be ruled out as direct ancestor of tetrapods due to a number of unsuitable features. At present, Eusthenopteron (fig. 3) and Panderichthys (fig. 9) are regarded as the best suitable species. Ichthyostega (fig. 12) found in the Late Devonian which is said to have derived from lobe-finned fish such as Eusthenopteron is considered the first primitive amphibian. Apart from the species stated earlier Devonian Acanthostega (fig. 15) is to be especially mentioned. This fossil had eight fingers, it was definitely a tetrapod but it was also adapted to a permanent aquatic life in many respects and did not walk on land. Moreover, there are further fossils being considered as Devonian tetrapods, although no extremities have been found (in most cases only skull parts are known). They are classified as tetrapods with regard to the similarities in the structure of the skull with definite tetrapods or due to other indirect hints. Strictly speaking, the classification must therefore remain uncertain. This species will only be discussed in Since the geographic distribution was substantial, a multiple, independent development from various fish ancestors is discussed. |
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Some striking unique features do not fit into a transition position of Ichthyostega such as the solid inflexible chest with overlapping ribs (whose function is not clear) and the extremely narrow construction of the skull. The front leg was much longer than the hind leg, which is rather untypical for tetrapods, the conditions being quite opposite, since the hind legs give the strength while walking. With regard to all known features Ichthyostega cannot be interpreted as transition form between fish and amphibians. |
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Presumabely Acanthostega lived in aquatic regions near the water-edge with a dense vegetation where a tetrapod extremity was suitable although the animal lived in the water. As in the case of Ichthyostega one may conclude that the total combination of features of Acanthostega does not fit well into a transition position between fish and amphibians. Still some of the singular features fit into a transition position. There are more species of the same age which are only partially known (Hynerpeton, Tulerpeton, Ventastega, Densignathus, Metaxygnathus, Sinostega), they are shortly discussed in General classification of late Devonian tetrapods. All in all late Devonian tetrapods show various mosaics of features demanding the supposition of many convergences (independent development of the same features) and reversions (return to an earlier form of a feature) for genealogical descriptions. It is striking that all late Devonian forms have been deposited along with fish. These forms may not even account for the conquering of land. The tetrapod-like features may also be explained by a specialized life near a coastline covered with dense vegetation. |
![]() The tale of shrinking waterholes |
Many textbooks present the idea that the tetrapod leg and the conquering of land happened because periods of draughts in the Devonian led to the draining of waterholes. Thus, a selection pressure occurred to make sure that the next life saving waterhole was reached—a contradictable scenario: The extremity required for terrestrial life is supposed to have developed to grant an aquatic life. Apart from this paradoxon the scenario could hardly be verified. Nowadays it is regarded not plausible, due to the supposed mode of life of Acanthostega (an exclusively aquatic life with a tetrapod extremity). In addition most environments were not threatened by draught during the Devonian, the selection pressure mentioned before didn’t play a particular role worldwide. According to recent scenarios the tetrapod extremity is said to have developed in the aquatic environment, the earliest species with fingers had a permanent aquatic life as far as we know today. But why should legs have developed in an aquatic environment? Isn’t that development to be prevented by selection? The following dilemma arises: There is strong evidence that the tetrapod legs have developed in an aquatic environment but the conditions for selection are contradicting. However, a return to an aquatic life as it has been discussed repeatedly is not logical regarding the conditions for selection. Having shortly escaped from competitors in water, taking efforts to adapt to a semi-terrestrial life, thus losing the equipment for aquatic life: in this situation early tetrapods are supposed to manage new competition in the aquatic environment anew? An alternative scenario: Alternatively the Devonian and Carboniferous fossil series might reveal an ecological series or ecological bordering. To support this alternative geological findings must be taken into consideration, e.g. it should be proven that the relevant Devonian strata were or could be sedimented within short intervals. In many cases this is plausible. Species such as Panderichthys, Ichthyostega and Acanthostega might fit into the transition area, but there may also be alternative interpretations: Their mosaic of characteristics corresponds to a specific way of life in shallow water along a coastline with dense vegetation and thus can be ecologically explained. |
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